Electrolysis is a safe, effective, comfortable and permanent treatment for every client, every skin colour and with all types of hair growth. Electrolysis is still the only proven permanent method of hair removal and many women and indeed many men, have benefited from this tried and trusted treatment. Electrolysis today is more gentle, more comfortable and more effective, offering an affordable modern treatment which is becoming increasingly popular.
A tiny probe (about the size of an eyelash) is inserted into the hair follicle where a short burst of energy is targeted at the root of the hair. The burst of energy prevents nutrients feeding the follicle and the new hair growth becomes weaker and finer.
After a course of treatments the follicle is no longer able to produce new hairs and complete hair free results are obtained. Each hair follicle requires a number of treatments because each follicle has it's own growing cycle. Electrolysis works by weakening the hair follicle and eventually destroying its ability to produce hairs. Results take a little time, but just like dieting, it's not the crash diet but the healthy eating plan that works in the long run.